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- effect of his kick. It is the finest kick he has ever given. Pussy has gone up almost as high as the pigeons. Tom thinks Pussy looks very funny as she...923 octet (1 423 mots) - 10 juillet 2016 à 18:43
- effect of his kick. It is the finest kick he has ever given. Pussy has gone up almost as high as the pigeons. Tom thinks Pussy looks very funny as she...8 kio (1 304 mots) - 29 juin 2024 à 15:22
- gun And shot the old Wolf through the head ; One howl and one moan, one kick and one groan, And the wicked old rascal was dead. Some sportsman (he certainly...976 octet (761 mots) - 25 janvier 2016 à 00:57
- airs! Do you think I can listen all day to such stuff? Be off, or I'll kick you down stairs!" [modifier] Les objectifs de ce livre sont : Sens propre...834 octet (519 mots) - 26 novembre 2015 à 23:57
- gun And shot the old Wolf through the head ; One howl and one moan, one kick and one groan, And the wicked old rascal was dead. Some sportsman (he certainly...5 kio (667 mots) - 29 juin 2024 à 15:23
- that is enough," Said his father; "don't give yourself airs! Do you think I can listen all day to such stuff? Be off, or I'll kick you down stairs!"...3 kio (410 mots) - 29 juin 2024 à 15:22
- peine (encourue) ("pénalty" : penalty kick) penalty amende penalty \'penlti\ pénalty, (droit) peine penalty kick, sanction, pénalité, amende (: fine) pendant...117 kio (13 669 mots) - 20 août 2023 à 11:00
- (football) corner kick corner (football) corner (v) (tr) tourner, prendre un virage corner \'ko:n@ "corner" coin, virage, tournant corner kick cornering (nv) tenue...165 kio (18 657 mots) - 6 décembre 2024 à 20:10
- Annoying ads », sur Wikimedia-l, 5 mai 2020 Pats Pena, « Wikimedia Foundation kicks-off fundraising campaign in India », sur Wikimedia Foundation News, 5 août...234 kio (25 874 mots) - 9 mai 2024 à 10:50
- Annoying ads », sur Wikimedia-l, 5 mai 2020 Pats Pena, « Wikimedia Foundation kicks-off fundraising campaign in India », sur Wikimedia Foundation News, 5 août...2 kio (89 226 mots) - 9 mai 2024 à 10:49