Littérature de jeunesse en anglais : Walter Crane, Le petit chaperon rouge/Présentation du livre
Le Petit Chaperon rouge est un des contes les plus célèbres du répertoire occidental, que ce soit dans les versions de Charles Perrault ou des Frères Grimm.
Voici la version victorienne anglaise, courte, en vers... et expurgée, illustrée par Walter Crane en 1875. Cet artiste a également illustré une traduction en anglais du conte de Grimm par sa sœur, Lucy Crane, en 1882.
- Tapuscrit de la version anglaise de Walter Crane et traduction en français, déposés en cc-by-sa le 18/08/2011, sur le site de ressources libres
- Les illustrations et le texte d'origine de Walter Crane sont librement téléchargeables le site de l'Université de Floride.
Sept épisodes à lire :
- Le départ : 75 mots
- La rencontre : 82 mots
- Dans la forêt : 33 mots
- Le loup chez la grand-mère : 55 mots
- L'arrivée : 101 mots
- Au lit ! : 126 mots
- Le chasseur providentiel : 79 mots
- Écouter l'histoire en français
- Regarder le diaporama en français
- S'informer sur les origines du conte et ses versions sur Vikidia :
- Raconte-moi son histoire en anglais ! Tell me her story...
- Lire le texte d'origine en anglais :
A long time ago, in a house near a wood,
As most pretty histories go,
A nice little girl lived, called Red Riding Hood,
As some of us already know.
One day said her mother, « Get ready, my dear,
And take to your Granny some cakes,
And a pot of fresh butter to soothe her and cheer ;
Ask after her pains and her aches.»
Out set Riding Hood, so obliging and sweet,
And she met a great Wolf in the wood,
Who began most politely the maiden to greet,
In as tender a voice as he could.
He asked to what house she was going, and why ;
Red Riding Hood answered him all ;
He said, « Give my love to your Gran ; I will try
At my earliest leisure to call. »
Off he ran, and Red Riding Hood went on her way,
Buf often she lingered and played,
And made as she went a pretty nosegay
With the wild flowers that grew in the glade.
But in the meanwhile the Wolf went, with a grin,
At the Grandmother's cottage to call :
He knocked at the door, and was told to come in,
Then he eat her up – sad cannibal !
Then the Wolf shut the door, and got into bed,
And waited for Red Riding Hood ;
When he heard her soft tap at the front door, he said,
Speaking softly as ever he could :
« Who is there ? » « It is I, your dear grand-child ; I've brought
Some butter and nice little cakes.»
« Pull the bobbin, my child, and come in, as you ought ;
I'm in bed very bad with my aches.»
When she entered the room, the old Wolf hid himself
Very carefully (such was his plan) :
« Put your basket and things, little dear, on the shelf,
And come into bed to your Gran. »
The obedient child laid her down by the side
Of her Grandmother dear (as she thought)
But all at once, «Granny !» Red Riding Hood cried,
What very long arms you have got !»
He answered «The better to hug you, my child.»
« But, Granny, what very large ears !»
« The better to hear you » the voice was still mild,
But the poor little girl had her fears.
«Grandmother, you seem to have very large eyes !»
« The better to see you, I trow.»
« What great teeth you have got ! » and the wicked Wolf cries,
« The better to eat you up now ! »
Red Riding Hood shrieked, and bang ! off went a gun
And shot the old Wolf through the head ;
One howl and one moan, one kick and one groan,
And the wicked old rascal was dead.
Some sportsman (he certainly was a dead shot)
Had aimed at the Wolf when she cried ;
So Red Riding Hood got safe home, did she not ?
And lived happily there till she died.