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Traduction des variables

[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
 *                        lang_chdw.php [English]
 *                              -------------------
 *     begin : Fri Jun 10 2005
 *     copyright : (C) 2005 Redaktion ChDW HanDeDict
 *     email :
$lang['ChDW_title'] = 'Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict';
$lang['ChDW_search_desc'] = 'Search:';
$lang['ChDW_search_shorthelp'] = 'Use the asterisk as a wildcard: Ool*, wu*cha2, 乌龁E, and *龍茶 will find Oolong tea.';
$lang['ChDW_search_shorthelp_js'] = 'Use the asterisk as a wildcard: <script type="text/javascript"><!--
function example_search1() {
	document.dictsearch.search_keywords.value = \'Ool*\';
document.write(\'<a href="#" onclick="javascript: example_search1();return false;">\');
</script>Ool*<script type="text/javascript"><!--
</script>, <script type="text/javascript"><!--
function example_search2() {
	document.dictsearch.search_keywords.value = \'wu*cha2\';
document.write(\'<a href="#" onclick="javascript: example_search2();return false;">\');
</script>wu*cha2<script type="text/javascript"><!--
</script>, <script type="text/javascript"><!--
function example_search3() {
	document.dictsearch.search_keywords.value = \'乌龁E\';
document.write(\'<a href="#" onclick="javascript: example_search3();return false;">\');
</script>乌龁E<script type="text/javascript"><!--
</script>, and <script type="text/javascript"><!--
function example_search4() {
	document.dictsearch.search_keywords.value = \'*龍茶\';
document.write(\'<a href="#" onclick="javascript: example_search4();return false;">\');
</script>*龍茶<script type="text/javascript"><!--
</script> will find Oolong tea.';
$lang['ChDW_chinese_french'] = 'Chinese -> French';
$lang['ChDW_french_chinese'] = 'French -> Chinese';
$lang['ChDW_search_examples'] = 'Search examples';
/*$lang['ChDW_search_normal'] = 'Standard search';
$lang['ChDW_search_beginning'] = 'Search at beginning of word';
$lang['ChDW_search_anywhere'] = 'Search anywhere';*/
$lang['ChDW_jiantizi'] = 'Simplified Chinese';
$lang['ChDW_fantizi'] = 'Traditional Chinese';
$lang['ChDW_pinyin'] = 'Pinyin';
$lang['ChDW_pure_result'] = 'Exact hit';
$lang['ChDW_pure_results'] = 'Exact hits';
$lang['ChDW_normal_results'] = 'Hits';
$lang['ChDW_similar_results'] = 'Similar entries';
$lang['ChDW_moreword_results'] = 'Hits that extend over more than one word';
$lang['ChDW_example_results'] = 'In Examples';
$lang['ChDW_first_hits_only'] = 'Only the first %s hits are shown.';
$lang['ChDW_measure_words'] = 'measure words';
$lang['ChDW_measure_word'] = 'measure word';
$lang['ChDW_similar_entries'] = 'similar entries';
$lang['ChDW_similar_entry'] = 'similar entry';
$lang['ChDW_synonym'] = 'synonym';
$lang['ChDW_antonym'] = 'antonym';
$lang['ChDW_schriftgleich'] = 'other pronunciations: ';
$lang['ChDW_jtgleich'] = 'using the same simplified character: ';
$lang['ChDW_examples'] = 'examples';
$lang['ChDW_example'] = 'example';
$lang['ChDW_fuzzy'] = 'also look for similar words';
$lang['ChDW_syngroup'] = 'group of similar entries';
$lang['ChDW_syngroup_no'] = 'group of similar entries (%s)';
$lang['ChDW_in_syngroup'] = 'entry belongs to this group';
$lang['ChDW_not_in_syngroup'] = 'entry does not belong to this group';

$lang['ChDW_entry'] = 'Entry';
$lang['ChDW_new_entry'] = 'New Entry';
$lang['ChDW_reading'] = 'Reading';
$lang['ChDW_translation'] = 'Translation';
$lang['ChDW_translation_fr'] = 'French translation';
$lang['ChDW_extended'] = 'extended ...';
$lang['ChDW_wortart'] = 'Word type';
$lang['ChDW_bereich'] = 'Area';
$lang['ChDW_level'] = 'Level';
$lang['ChDW_add_example'] = 'Add example';
$lang['ChDW_era'] = 'Era';
$lang['ChDW_cited_from'] = 'Source';
$lang['ChDW_example_pinyin'] = 'Example reading (Pinyin)';
$lang['ChDW_not_selected'] = '(unspecified)';

$lang['ChDW_not_found'] = 'Unfortunately, we could not find an entry that corresponds to your search string (%s).<br />Click %shere%s to try again with a different search string.';
$lang['ChDW_dict_updated'] = 'Your input has been added as follows:';

$lang['ChDW_zi_py_not_match'] = 'The Chinese characters and Pinyin entries do not match.';
$lang['ChDW_beispiel_zi_py_not_match'] = 'The example\'s Pinyin and Chinese characters do not match.';
$lang['ChDW_eintrag_beispiel_not_match'] = 'The example does not seem to be appropriate for this entry.';

$lang['ChDW_search_explain'] = 'Enter the word you are looking for. You can use * as a wildcard character - e.g. hoch* matches "hoch" as well as "Hochhaus".';
$lang['ChDW_newentry_notfound_explain'] = 'The term you were looking for could not be found.<br />You can help us to improve the dictionary if you enter the Chinese term together with a French translation. Keep it simple for yourself: just enter the translation of the one meaning in which you have read the term you were looking for.<br />';
$lang['ChDW_newentry_explain'] = 'If you are uncertain, stick to the following rules:<ul><li>Common Mandarin should by translated into common high German.<li>Aim for the one precise translation - you should decide if if a word means "suddenly" or "unexpectedly", etc.<li>Formal language should be translated into formal language,  	colloquial language into colloquial language. Dialects can be translated into dialects, but do not have to. If the best translation is ambiguous or hard to understand, include a second translation for the same meaning.</ul>';

$lang['ChDW_cn_zi_type_0'] = 'jt';
$lang['ChDW_cn_zi_type_1'] = 'ft';
$lang['ChDW_lang_endung'] = 'en';
$lang['ChDW_lang_endung_order'] = 'en';

$lang['ChDW_bedeutung_no'] = 'Meaning %d';
$lang['ChDW_beispiel_no'] = 'Example %d-%d';

// auth: 0 - alle; 1 - registrierte; 2 - Moderatoren
// bold: 0 - nein; 1 - ja
$lang['ChDW_menu'] = 'Menu';
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry'][] = 'Search';
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_url'][] = '';
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_auth'][] = 0;
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_bold'][] = 1;
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry'][] = 'Look up whole text';
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_url'][] = '?mode=mu';
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_auth'][] = 0;
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_bold'][] = 0;
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry'][] = 'New entry';
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_url'][] = '?mode=new';
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_auth'][] = 0;
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_bold'][] = 0;
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry'][] = 'Words of the week';
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_url'][] = '?mode=nw';
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_auth'][] = 0;
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_bold'][] = 0;
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry'][] = 'Vocabulary preferences';
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_url'][] = '?mode=vokmenu';
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_auth'][] = 1;
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_bold'][] = 0;
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry'][] = 'Study groups';
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_url'][] = '?mode=lerngruppen';
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_auth'][] = 0;
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_bold'][] = 0;
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry'][] = 'Vocabulary list';
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_url'][] = '?mode=vok';
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_auth'][] = 1;
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_bold'][] = 0;
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry'][] = 'Personal flash cards';
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_url'][] = '?mode=vok_print';
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_auth'][] = 1;
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_bold'][] = 0;
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry'][] = 'Personal writing exercises';
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_url'][] = '?mode=vok_write';
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_auth'][] = 1;
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_bold'][] = 0;
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry'][] = 'Quality control';
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_url'][] = '?mode=qc';
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_auth'][] = 2;
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_bold'][] = 0;
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry'][] = 'Latest entries';
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_url'][] = '?mode=latest';
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_auth'][] = 0;
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_bold'][] = 0;
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry'][] = 'Untranslated entries';
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_url'][] = '?mode=mffe';
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_auth'][] = 2;
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_bold'][] = 0;
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry'][] = 'Unsuccessful searches';
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_url'][] = '?mode=nrl';
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_auth'][] = 0;
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_bold'][] = 0;
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry'][] = 'Download';
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_url'][] = '?mode=dl';
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_auth'][] = 0;
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_bold'][] = 0;
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry'][] = 'Flash cards';
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_url'][] = '?mode=vokabeln';
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_auth'][] = 0;
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_bold'][] = 0;
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry'][] = 'Writing exercises';
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_url'][] = '?mode=schreibuebungen';
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_auth'][] = 0;
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_bold'][] = 0;
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry'][] = 'Help';
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_url'][] = '/faq.php?mode=chdw';
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_auth'][] = 0;
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_bold'][] = 0;
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry'][] = 'Support forum';
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_url'][] = '/viewforum.php?f=45';
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_auth'][] = 0;
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_bold'][] = 0;
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry'][] = 'About HanDeDict';
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_url'][] = '?mode=about';
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_auth'][] = 0;
$lang['ChDW_menu_entry_bold'][] = 0;

$lang['ChDW_markup_turnon_js'] = 'This function needs JavaScript. Please activate JavaScript and reload this page before entering your text.';
$lang['ChDW_markup_must_turnon_js'] = 'Unfortunately, we cannot offer you a result without JavaScript.';
$lang['ChDW_markup_long_text'] = 'Your text is too long. You can, however, split it into %d or more parts and have them processed one after the other.';
$lang['ChDW_markup_nonmember_text_limit'] = 'Non-members can use up to 200 characters. After the free registration, you will be able to use longer texts as well.';

$lang['ChDW_markup_desc'] = 'Bitte geben Sie den chinesischen Text ein, den Sie mit Vokabelanmerkungen versehen möchten %s(nur chinesische Schriftzeichen, kein Pinyin).%s %sBeispiel: %s%s';
$lang['ChDW_markup_desc'] = 'Please enter the Chinese text that you want to have annotated %s(only Chinese characters, no Pinyin).%s %sExample: %s%s';
$lang['ChDW_markup_explain_mouseover'] = '<br />To help you understand the text, once you place the pointer over a word that is already in the dictionary, a window appears that contains the (shortened) dictionary entry. If you want to view the entire entry, please click on the word.<br />';
$lang['ChDW_markup_explain'] = 'Unfortunately, due to restrictions such as the number of entries in the dictionary, not all words and word boundaries can be correctly determined. You are welcome to improve the accuracy of this tool by adding new entries to the dictionary.';
$lang['ChDW_markup_rundown_title'] = '<h2>Vocabulary from individual sentences</h2>';
$lang['ChDW_markup_explain_rundown_logged_in'] = 'If there are too many annotations of easy words, you can select not to show annotations for words of different study levels in your <a href="%s">vocabulary preferences</a>. Click on the Chinese characters of an explanatory footnote to show further details about that specific entry.<br />';
$lang['ChDW_markup_explain_rundown_logged_out'] = 'If there are too many annotations of easy words, you can <a href="%s"><b>log in</b></a> and select not to show annotations for words of different study levels in your vocabulary preferences. You can also use longer texts (max. 2500 instead of 200 characters) and print out your text with annotations and/or pinyin above the original text.<br />Click on the Chinese characters of an explanatory footnote to show further details about that specific entry.<br />';

$lang['ChDW_not_auth_modify'] = 'You cannot modify this entry.';
$lang['ChDW_can_suggest_qc'] = 'You cannot directly edit this entry. However, if something appears wrong with this entry, you can suggest that the team of HanDeDict editors have a look at it.';
$lang['ChDW_login_to_modify'] = 'You can also register or log in to modify your own entries.';
$lang['ChDW_suggest_qc'] = 'Suggest review (quality control)';
$lang['ChDW_qc_suggested'] = 'Many thanks for your support of HanDeDict\'s quality control.<br />Your suggestion has been received, and the entry will be reviewed by our team of editors.';

$lang['ChDW_no_vocab_selected'] = 'You have not added any entries to your vocabulary list yet.';
$lang['ChDW_vocab'] = 'Vocabulary';
$lang['ChDW_vocab_added'] = 'The entry has been added to your vocabulary list.';
$lang['ChDW_vocab_removed'] = 'The entry has been removed from your vocabulary list.';
$lang['ChDW_vocab_add'] = 'add to vocabulary list';
$lang['ChDW_vocab_remove'] = 'remove from vocabulary list';

$lang['ChDW_no_qc_selected'] = 'No entries have been marked for review.';
$lang['ChDW_qc_entries'] = 'Entries marked for review';

$lang['ChDW_delete_meaning'] = 'delete';
$lang['ChDW_delete_example'] = 'delete';
$lang['ChDW_dict_removed'] = 'The entry has been deleted according to your specifications.';
$lang['ChDW_lifetime'] = 'Life data';
$lang['ChDW_born'] = 'born';
$lang['ChDW_born_long'] = 'born';
$lang['ChDW_died'] = 'died';
$lang['ChDW_died_long'] = 'died';
$lang['ChDW_around'] = 'ca.';
$lang['ChDW_BC'] = '%d BC';
$lang['ChDW_AD'] = 'AD %d';
$lang['ChDW_born_died_not_match'] = 'The dates of birth and death for meaning %d cannot be correct:<br />The year of birth (%s) is later than the year of death (%s).';

$lang['ChDW_src_add'] = 'add to list of used authors/sources';
$lang['ChDW_src_remove'] = 'remove from list of used authors/sources';
$lang['ChDW_author_added'] = 'The name has been added to your list of used authors.';
$lang['ChDW_author_removed'] = 'The name has been removed from your list of used authors.';
$lang['ChDW_source_added'] = 'The title has been added to your list of used sources.';
$lang['ChDW_source_removed'] = 'The title has been removed from your list of used sources.';
$lang['ChDW_author'] = 'author';
$lang['ChDW_must_add_authors'] = 'You must add authors to your list before you can choose among them.';
$lang['ChDW_must_add_sources'] = 'You must add sources to your list before you can choose among them.';
$lang['ChDW_property_must_login'] = 'You have to log in before you can specify this property.';
$lang['ChDW_werk'] = 'title';
$lang['ChDW_autor_von'] = 'author of';
$lang['ChDW_werk_von'] = 'author';
$lang['ChDW_source'] = 'source';

$lang['ChDW_eintrag_accept'] = 'accept entry as correct';
$lang['ChDW_eintrag_pass'] = 'pass quality inspection to sb else';
$lang['ChDW_unverified_entry'] = 'unverified entry';
$lang['ChDW_desc_unverified_entry'] = 'entry whose validity has yet to be verified';
$lang['ChDW_moderation_passed'] = 'Entry has been passed to the other editors for verification.';
$lang['ChDW_moderation_accepted'] = 'Thank you very much, your review has been noted.';
$lang['ChDW_already_moderated'] = 'You have already accepted this entry.';

$lang['ChDW_charset'] = 'Preferred style';
$lang['ChDW_search_unverified'] = 'Show unverified entries';
$lang['ChDW_unverified_found'] = 'Found only unverified entries:';

$lang['ChDW_download_desc'] = 'Please download HanDeDict in EDICT format:';
$lang['ChDW_file_format_desc'] = 'Each archive contains the following three versions of HanDeDict:';
$lang['ChDW_dicttype']['u8'] = ' in traditional and simplified Chinese (encoding:&nbsp;UTF-8)';
$lang['ChDW_dicttype']['b5'] = ' in traditional Chinese (encoding:&nbsp;Big5)';
$lang['ChDW_dicttype']['gb'] = ' in simplified Chinese (encoding:&nbsp;GB2312)';
$lang['ChDW_download_uv_desc'] = 'The following files are only useful if you would like to help us improve HanDeDict, as they also contain unverified (unfortunately, even incorrect) entries.';
$lang['ChDW_last_update'] = 'Last update: ';
$lang['ChDW_contains'] = 'contains';
$lang['ChDW_entries'] = 'entries';
$lang['ChDW_bedeutungen'] = 'definitions';
$lang['ChDW_products'][] = 'Chinese Practice';
$lang['ChDW_product_desc'][] = '<a href="" target="_blank">Chinese Practice</a> is a free vocabulary trainer for Windows XP. You can download the latest version of HanDeDict for use with Chinese Practice <a href=""><b>here</b></a>.';
$lang['ChDW_products'][] = 'LingoPad';
$lang['ChDW_product_desc'][] = '<a href="" target="_blank">LingoPad</a> is a free offline multilingual dictionary for Windows. It uses the Chinese-German entries of HanDeDict.';
// $lang['ChDW_products'][] = 'StarDict';
// $lang['ChDW_product_desc'][] = '<a href="" target="_blank">StarDict</a> is a free dictionary for Linux and Windows. You can search multiple Chinese dictionaries simultaneously. StarDict uses HanDeDict\'s Chinese-German entries.';
$lang['ChDW_products'][] = 'SUSE Linux';
$lang['ChDW_product_desc'][] = 'Mike Fabian has created a daily update service for HanDeDict\'s RPMs. You can get them <b><a href="" target="_blank">here</a></b> (switch to the directory your_linux_version/noarch/).';
$lang['ChDW_products'][] = 'Wakan';
$lang['ChDW_product_desc'][] = '<a href="" target="_blank">Wakan</a> is a free tool for students of Chinese or Japanese. It uses various dictionaries, including HanDeDict.';

$lang['ChDW_about_title'] = 'About HanDeDict';
$lang['ChDW_about_desc'] = 'Das Chinesisch-Deutsche Wörterbuch HanDeDict is a free Chinese-German dictionary. Based on a translated version of <a href="">CEDICT</a>, it has grown rapidly since May 2006.<br />Everyone is invited to help us improve HanDeDict and make it the Chinese-German dictionary of choice.<br />You can contact us at <a href=""></a> or via our <a href="%s">support forum</a>.';
$lang['ChDW_team_title'] = 'The HanDeDict Team';
$lang['ChDW_team']['overall'][] = 'team leaders';
$lang['ChDW_team']['overall'][] = 'Jan Hefti';
$lang['ChDW_team']['overall'][] = 'Michael Klaus Engel';
$lang['ChDW_team']['tech'][] = 'technical';
$lang['ChDW_team']['tech'][] = 'Jan Hefti (web site, data structure)';
$lang['ChDW_team']['tech'][] = 'Henning Lieder (consulting)';
$lang['ChDW_team']['redaktion'][] = 'editors (content)';
$lang['ChDW_team']['redaktion'][] = 'Helmut Anker';
$lang['ChDW_team']['redaktion'][] = 'Michael Klaus Engel';
$lang['ChDW_team']['redaktion'][] = 'Felix';
$lang['ChDW_team']['redaktion'][] = 'Jennifer Gross';
$lang['ChDW_team']['redaktion'][] = 'Jan Hefti';
$lang['ChDW_team']['redaktion'][] = 'Sebastian Loziczky';
$lang['ChDW_team']['redaktion'][] = 'Julia Mannigel';
$lang['ChDW_team']['redaktion'][] = 'Shi Lei';
$lang['ChDW_team']['redaktion'][] = 'Tian Xiaoyong';
$lang['ChDW_team']['redaktion'][] = 'Steffen Weidenhaus';
$lang['ChDW_team']['redaktion'][] = 'Zhao Chunhua';
$lang['ChDW_team']['redaktion'][] = 'Zheng Meishi';
$lang['ChDW_credits_title'] = 'We say thank you...';
$lang['ChDW_credits_desc1'] = 'Our greatest thanks is to all the users of HanDeDict who have added their own entries and made our project succeed.';
$lang['ChDW_credits_wordlists'] = 'Wordlists contributed by';
$lang['ChDW_wordlists'][] = '<a href="" target="_blank">Thekla Chabbi</a>';
$lang['ChDW_wordlists'][] = '<a href="" target="_blank">Prof. Dr. Andreas Guder</a>';
$lang['ChDW_wordlists'][] = '<a href="" target="_blank">Annette Maurer</a>';
$lang['ChDW_wordlists'][] = 'Hermann Pratz';
$lang['ChDW_wordlists'][] = 'Anne Tritschler';
$lang['ChDW_credits_desc2'] = 'In addition, we would also like to thank all projects who have provided the basis of different parts of HanDeDict:';
$lang['ChDW_credits']['cedict']['title'] = 'CEDICT (Mandarintools)';
$lang['ChDW_credits']['cedict']['desc'] = 'Free Chinese-English dictionary by Paul Denisowski and Erik Peterson.';
$lang['ChDW_credits']['cedict']['url'] = '';
$lang['ChDW_credits']['openthesaurus']['title'] = 'OpenThesaurus';
$lang['ChDW_credits']['openthesaurus']['desc'] = 'An open source thesaurus for the German language.';
$lang['ChDW_credits']['openthesaurus']['url'] = '';
$lang['ChDW_credits']['wordnet']['title'] = 'WordNet';
$lang['ChDW_credits']['wordnet']['desc'] = 'Lexical reference system for the English language.';
$lang['ChDW_credits']['wordnet']['url'] = '';
$lang['ChDW_credits']['dictcc']['title'] = '';
$lang['ChDW_credits']['dictcc']['desc'] = 'Free English-German dictionary.';
$lang['ChDW_credits']['dictcc']['url'] = '';
$lang['ChDW_credits_desc3'] = 'Many thanks to <b>Markus Dreyer</b>, who provided information about his script to create <a href="" target="_blank">Japanese flash cards</a>.';

$lang['ChDW_must_add_mwords'] = 'no measure words in dictionary';
$lang['ChDW_antonym_no'] = 'antonym (%d)';
$lang['ChDW_new_antonyms'] = 'make new list';
$lang['ChDW_select_antonym'] = 'select or';
$lang['ChDW_antonyms'] = 'antonyms';

$lang['ChDW_license'] = '<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td valign="bottom">The content of the dictionary files is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Germany License</a>.</td><td>  <a rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons License" border="0" src=""></a></td></tr></table>';

$lang['ChDW_abk'] = 'abbreviation of';
$lang['ChDW_abk_not_found'] = 'no suitable candidates';
$lang['ChDW_abbreviation_of'] = ' (abbreviation of %s)';
$lang['ChDW_abbreviation'] = ' (abbreviation: %s)';

$lang['ChDW_created'] = '%s new entries created';
$lang['ChDW_edited'] = '%s entries edited';
$lang['ChDW_most_active'] = 'most active users:';

$lang['ChDW_beta_title'] = 'BETA test version';
$lang['ChDW_beta_test'] = 'This is the BETA test version of Chinesisch-Deutsches Wörterbuch HanDeDict.<ul><li>Not all functions are available yet.<li>Some of the functions will have errors.<li>Many search results are still rather bad.</ul>During this test stage, you can help us eliminate the problems mentioned above by using the dictionary like you normally would, and providing feedback to us.<br />We are also looking for editors who can help us improve the quality of this dictionary. All work on this project is voluntary.<br />Please direct your E-mails to: <a href=""></a>.<br />We are looking forward to hearing from you.';

$lang['ChDW_no_results_list'] = 'Most frequent unsuccessful searches';
$lang['ChDW_one_unsuccessful_try'] = '1 unsuccessful try';
$lang['ChDW_no_unsuccessful_tries'] = '%s unsuccessful tries';
$lang['ChDW_no_no_results'] = 'no entries';
$lang['ChDW_nrl_deleted'] = '"%s" has been removed from this list.';

$lang['ChDW_haeufig_verwendet'] = 'common';
$lang['ChDW_normal'] = 'normal';
$lang['ChDW_selten_verwendet'] = 'seldom used';
$lang['ChDW_frequency'] = 'Usage frequency';

$lang['ChDW_entries_exist'] = 'Similar entries already exist:';
$lang['ChDW_entry_exists'] = 'A similar entry already exists:';
$lang['ChDW_maynot_double'] = 'There must not be two entries for the same word. You have two possibilities: either change the existing entry, or create an entry for a different word.';
$lang['ChDW_entry_exists_attention'] = 'Notice';
$lang['ChDW_duplicate_entry'] = 'There must not be two entries for the same word, and this would be a duplicate entry.';
$lang['ChDW_must_enter_chinese'] = 'You must enter a Chinese word (in simplified or traditional characters).';

$lang['ChDW_download_bedic_desc'] = 'The following files contain links to antonyms, authors, etc. They can be used with <a href="" target="_blank">zbedic</a> (Zaurus, Linux):';
$lang['ChDW_download_bedic_details'] = 'They contain %d entries, %d definitions and %d examples each, in simplified (%s) or traditional Chinese (%s).';
$lang['ChDW_edict_title'] = 'Downloads in EDICT format';
$lang['ChDW_bedic_title'] = 'Downloads in bedic format';
// $lang['ChDW_edict_uv_title'] = 'Developer versions';

$lang['ChDW_statistics_short'] = 'The dictionary contains %d Chinese entries (of which %d have been entirely and %d partially verified) and %d German translations (of which %d are verified and %d partially verified).';# %d Chinese entries are awaiting translation.';

$lang['ChDW_english'] = 'E: ';
$lang['ChDW_input_zi'] = 'input &quot;%s&quot;';
$lang['ChDW_input_umlauts'] = ' (click on the character you would like to input)';

$lang['ChDW_newswords_date'] = 'Words added on %s';
$lang['ChDW_translate_newsword'] = 'translate';
$lang['ChDW_newswords_desc'] = 'The words of the week are supplied by University of Leipzig\'s <a href="" target="_blank">Projekt Deutscher Wortschatz</a>, who evaluate various daily newspapers and news agency reports on a daily basis. Their current list with links to quotations can be found <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.<br />We aim to use our dictionary to build a bilingual list of vocabulary based on these words, and appreciate any help in completing this list.';
$lang['ChDW_newswords_thanks'] = 'With the kind support of University of Leipzig\'s <a href="" target="_blank">Projekt Deutscher Wortschatz</a>.';
$lang['ChDW_newswords_notbelong'] = 'This entry does not belong here!';
$lang['ChDW_newswords_notbelong_accepted'] = 'Thank you very much, your input has been incorporated in the current list.';
$lang['ChDW_newswords_accepted'] = 'Thank you very much, your entry has been added to the list.';

$lang['ChDW_searchresults'] = 'Search Results';
$lang['ChDW_showsearchstart'] = 'Dictionary: Chinese-German/German-Chinese';
$lang['ChDW_showtextsearchstart'] = 'Markup Chinese Text';
$lang['ChDW_markup'] = 'Chinese Text with Annotations';
$lang['ChDW_preview_newentry'] = 'Preview New Entry';
$lang['ChDW_newentry'] = 'New Entry';
$lang['ChDW_addentry'] = 'Add Entry';
$lang['ChDW_suggest_qc'] = 'Suggest to Quality Control';
$lang['ChDW_pass_qc'] = 'Do Not Check Yourself';
$lang['ChDW_qc_bedeutung_accept'] = 'Accept Definition';
$lang['ChDW_qc_accept'] = 'Accept Entry';
$lang['ChDW_vokabelliste'] = 'Vocabulary List';
$lang['ChDW_vokabelliste_print'] = 'Personal Flash Cards';
$lang['ChDW_qcliste'] = 'Quality Control';
$lang['ChDW_nrliste'] = 'Unsuccessful Searches';
$lang['ChDW_newswords'] = 'Words of the Week';
$lang['ChDW_suggest_vok'] = 'Update Vocabulary List';
$lang['ChDW_add_del_src'] = 'Update List of Used Literature';
$lang['ChDW_download'] = 'Download';
$lang['ChDW_about'] = 'About HanDeDict';
$lang['ChDW_maintainance'] = 'Dictionary: Chinese-German/German-Chinese';
$lang['ChDW_longmaintainance'] = 'Dictionary: Chinese-German/German-Chinese';
$lang['ChDW_vokdownload'] = 'Flash Cards';
$lang['ChDW_vokmissing'] = 'Flash Cards';
$lang['ChDW_vokunverified'] = 'Flash Cards';
$lang['ChDW_showlatest'] = 'Latest Entries';

$lang['ChDW_vokcards_vorhanden'] = 'Flash Cards';
$lang['ChDW_vokcards_link'] = 'The current version of your flash cards (last update: %s) is available %s<b>here</b>%s.';
$lang['ChDW_download_vokcards'] = 'Download';
$lang['ChDW_create_vokcards'] = 'Create new flash cards';
$lang['ChDW_vokcards_front'] = 'Information on the front';
$lang['ChDW_front_chars_only'] = 'Chinese characters';
$lang['ChDW_front_chars_py'] = 'Chinese characters and Pinyin';
$lang['ChDW_vokcards_back'] = 'Information on the back';
$lang['ChDW_back_german_only'] = 'German translation';
$lang['ChDW_back_german_py'] = 'German translation and Pinyin';
$lang['ChDW_back_py_only'] = 'Pinyin';
$lang['ChDW_show_otherchars'] = 'Show alternative notation?';
$lang['ChDW_linestyle'] = 'Crop marks';
$lang['ChDW_linestyle0'] = 'for cutting machines (crop marks on the border)';
$lang['ChDW_linestyle1'] = 'for scissors (border-to-border lines)';
$lang['ChDW_create'] = 'Create';
$lang['ChDW_vokcards_being_prepared'] = 'New flash cards are being prepared. You will be able to download them from %s<b>this page</b>%s in approx. 5 mins.';
$lang['ChDW_uv_entries_heading'] = 'Unverified Entries';
$lang['ChDW_uv_entries_desc'] = 'Your flash cards contain entries that have neither been verified by our editors, nor by yourself. As we do not want you to suffer a bad surprise after learning with your flash cards, those entries are listed below. Help us improve our dictionary by correcting wrong entries, adding missing translations, and marking correct entries as such. It will only cost you a few minutes. If a lot of people join in our effort, the quality of this dictionary will improve very fast.';
$lang['ChDW_vokcards_from'] = 'Vocabulary since';
$lang['ChDW_vokcards_from_desc'] = 'When you leave this field empty, your entire vocabulary list will be used, otherwise only those words added after the specified date will be included.';
$lang['ChDW_vokcards_from_error'] = 'Error: you have not added any words to your vocabulary list after the specified date (%s).';

$lang['ChDW_register_promotion'] = 'You can benefit from extended services after a %sfree registration%s, e.g. building your personal set of %sflash cards%s or %swriting exercises%s.';

$lang['ChDW_vokdown_title'] = 'Sets of Flash Cards';
$lang['ChDW_vokdown_desc'] = 'Flash cards are still one of the best ways to learn Chinese. Since they take a lot of time to prepare, we would like to make predefined sets available for different textbooks and language tests.<br />Unfortunately, neither are all sets complete, nor is all information correct - however, we hope that they can still help you with your studies. The flash cards are prepared directly from the information in our dictionary and updated on a regular basis, so you will always find up-to-date data on this page.<br />We would, of course, appreciate if you could help us eliminate errors and add missing information, so that together - with less individual effort for everyone - we can prepare better study aids.';
$lang['ChDW_vokcards_12'] = 'Front: Chinese, back: Pinyin+German';
$lang['ChDW_vokcards_21'] = 'Front: Chinese+Pinyin, back: German';
$lang['ChDW_vokcards_13'] = 'Front: Chinese, back: Pinyin';
$lang['ChDW_vokcards_jt'] = 'Simplified characters';
$lang['ChDW_vokcards_ft'] = 'Traditional characters';
$lang['ChDW_vokcards_jtft'] = 'Simplified and traditional characters';
$lang['ChDW_vokcards_downlink'] = 'download flash cards';
$lang['ChDW_vokcards_contains'] = 'According to its definition, this set should contain %d words; each of our sets currently contains %d flash cards.';
$lang['ChDW_last_update_small'] = 'last update: ';
$lang['ChDW_Filesize'] = 'filesize';
$lang['ChDW_personal_vokcards_register'] = 'You can also build your own, personal set of flash cards after a one-time, free %sregistration%s, which is necessary to maintain your own list of vocabulary. Language classes and study groups can use a common vocabulary list that is shared among their members - if you are interested, please contact <a href=" vocabulary list on"></a>.';
$lang['ChDW_personal_vokcards_registered'] = 'You can also build your own, %spersonal set of flash cards%s. Language classes and study groups can use a common vocabulary list that is shared among their members - if you are interested, please contact <a href=" vocabulary list on"></a>.';
$lang['ChDW_vokdown_toc'] = 'Currently available sets of flash cards';
$lang['ChDW_vokdown_anm'] = 'The difference between the definition and the number of flash cards contained in our set can be attributed to two sources: incomplete lists, and different ways of counting. We treat Chinese words that are written the same, but pronounced differently as two different words.';

$lang['ChDW_vokmissing_title'] = 'Missing Vocabulary: %s';
$lang['ChDW_vokmissing_desc'] = 'We are currently in the process of identifying the missing vocabulary in this set. The following words have already been confirmed as missing.<br />We would, of course, appreciate if you could help us add the missing words and translations to our dictionary, so that together - with less individual effort for everyone - we can prepare better study aids.';
$lang['ChDW_vokmissing_link'] = 'List of missing words';

$lang['ChDW_vokmenu'] = 'Vocabulary preferences';
$lang['ChDW_user_vokgroup'] = 'Use the following vocabulary list:';
$lang['ChDW_personal_voklist'] = 'Personal vocabulary list';

$lang['ChDW_metadesc_searchresults'] = 'German translations of %s in the Free Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict';
$lang['ChDW_metadesc_showsearchstart'] = 'Free Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict: bidirectional search, annotation of entire Chinese texts, &quot;words of the week&quot;, flash cards, writing exercises, ... ';
$lang['ChDW_metadesc_showtextsearchstart'] = 'Look up an entire Chinese text in the Free Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict and receive a version with the German translations as annotations to each Chinese word.';
/*$lang['ChDW_metadesc_markup'] = 'Chinesischer Text mit deutschen Vokabelanmerkungen';
$lang['ChDW_metadesc_preview_newentry'] = 'Vorschau neuer Eintrag';*/
$lang['ChDW_metadesc_newentry'] = 'Add a new entry to the Free Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict.';
// $lang['ChDW_metadesc_addentry'] = 'Eintrag hinzufügen';
$lang['ChDW_metadesc_suggest_qc'] = 'Suggest that the editorial team check the validity of the entry %s of the Free Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict.';
// $lang['ChDW_metadesc_pass_qc'] = 'Nicht selbst überprüfen';
// $lang['ChDW_metadesc_qc_bedeutung_accept'] = 'Bedeutung akzeptieren';
// $lang['ChDW_metadesc_qc_accept'] = 'Eintrag akzeptieren';
// $lang['ChDW_metadesc_vokabelliste'] = 'Vokabelliste';
// $lang['ChDW_metadesc_vokabelliste_print'] = 'Persönliche Vokabelkarten';
// $lang['ChDW_metadesc_qcliste'] = 'Qualitätskontrolle';
$lang['ChDW_metadesc_nrliste'] = 'List of unsuccessful search queries to the Free Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict.';
$lang['ChDW_metadesc_showlatest'] = 'Latest additions and most recently edited entries of the Free Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict.';
$lang['ChDW_metadesc_newswords'] = 'Chinese and German words of the week - used especially often in current and recent news reports - from University of Leipzig in collaboration with the Free Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict.';
// $lang['ChDW_metadesc_suggest_vok'] = 'Vokabelliste ändern';
// $lang['ChDW_metadesc_add_del_src'] = 'Liste verwendeter Literatur ändern';
$lang['ChDW_metadesc_download'] = 'Download various versions (EDICT, bedic, LingoPad, ...) of the Free Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict.';// StarDict
$lang['ChDW_metadesc_about'] = 'Information about the project and editorial team of the Free Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict.';
// $lang['ChDW_metadesc_maintainance'] = 'Wörterbuch: Chinesisch-Deutsch/Deutsch-Chinesisch';
// $lang['ChDW_metadesc_longmaintainance'] = 'Wörterbuch: Chinesisch-Deutsch/Deutsch-Chinesisch';
$lang['ChDW_metadesc_vokdownload'] = 'Chinese-German flash cards for various language tests, textbooks, etc., provided by the Free Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict.';
$lang['ChDW_metadesc_schreibdownload'] = 'Writing exercises for Chinese characters used in various language tests, textbooks, etc., provided by the Free Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict.';
$lang['ChDW_metadesc_vokmissing'] = 'Words that are missing in the predefined sets of Chinese-German flash cards, provided by the Free Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict.';
$lang['ChDW_metadesc_vokunverified'] = 'Words that have not yet been verified by the editorial team, from the predefined sets of Chinese-German flash cards, provided by the Free Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict.';
$lang['ChDW_metadesc_vokgroups'] = 'Teams developing shared study materials (flash cards and writing exercises) using the Free Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict.';

$lang['ChDW_latest_additions_only'] = 'Only the %s latest additions to your list are shown.';
$lang['ChDW_first_entries_only'] = 'Only the first %s entries are shown.';
$lang['ChDW_show_all_entries'] = 'Click %shere%s to show all entries.';
$lang['ChDW_too_many_words_show_reduced'] = 'This list contains a lot of entries; therefore not all details are shown for each entry.';

$lang['ChDW_vokwrite_link'] = 'The current version of your writing exercises (last update: %s) is available %s<b>here</b>%s.';
$lang['ChDW_create_vokwrite'] = 'Create new writing exercises';
$lang['ChDW_vokwrite_being_prepared'] = 'New writing exercises are being prepared. You will be able to download them from %s<b>this page</b>%s in approx. 5 mins.';
$lang['ChDW_write_uv_entries_desc'] = 'Your writing exercises contain entries that have neither been verified by our editors, nor by yourself. As we do not want you to suffer a bad surprise after learning with your flash cards, those entries are listed below. Help us improve our dictionary by correcting wrong entries, adding missing translations, and marking correct entries as such. It will only cost you a few minutes. If a lot of people join in our effort, the quality of this dictionary will improve very fast.';
$lang['ChDW_vokabelliste_schreibuebung'] = 'Personal Writing Exercises';
$lang['ChDW_metadesc_vokgroups'] = 'Gruppen zur gemeinsamen Erstellung von Lehrmaterialien (Vokabelkarten und Schreibübungen) beim Freien Chinesisch-Deutschen Wörterbuch HanDeDict';

$lang['ChDW_schreibdownload'] = 'Writing Exercises';
$lang['ChDW_schreibdown_title'] = 'Writing Exercises for Chinese Characters';
$lang['ChDW_schreibdown_desc'] = 'Mastering the characters is among the most difficult tasks of learning Chinese: you need to practice, practice, practice. Therefore we would like to offer sets of writing exercises for the Chinese characters that appear in different textbooks and language tests.<br />Since you learn the basic rules of writing once and apply them again and again, we have not included the stroke order in our exercises. If you want to read about this topic, you can start <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>. If you want to look up a specific character, <a href="" target="_blank">this site</a> can help you.<br />Unfortunately, neither are all sets complete, nor is all information correct - however, we hope that they can still help you with your studies. The writing exercises are prepared directly from the information in our dictionary and updated on a regular basis, so you will always find up-to-date data on this page.<br />We would, of course, appreciate if you could help us eliminate errors and add missing information, so that together - with less individual effort for everyone - we can prepare better study aids.';
$lang['ChDW_schreibdown_jt'] = 'based on simplified characters';
$lang['ChDW_schreibdown_ft'] = 'based on traditional characters';
$lang['ChDW_schreibdown_with'] = 'contains both variants';
$lang['ChDW_schreibdown_without'] = 'contains only one variant';
$lang['ChDW_schreibuebungen_downlink'] = 'download writing exercises';
$lang['ChDW_schreibdown_toc'] = 'Currently available writing exercises';
$lang['ChDW_personal_schreibuebungen_register'] = 'You can also build your own, personal sets of writing exercises and flash cards after a one-time, free %sregistration%s, which is necessary to maintain your own list of vocabulary.';
$lang['ChDW_personal_schreibuebungen_registered'] = 'You can also build your own, personal sets of %swriting exercises% and %sflash cards%s.';
$lang['ChDW_personal_vokcards_register'] = 'Language classes and study groups can use a common vocabulary list that is shared among their members - if you are interested, please contact <a href=" vocabulary list on"></a>.';
$lang['ChDW_personal_vokcards_registered'] = 'You can also build your own, %spersonal set of flash cards%s. Language classes and study groups can use a common vocabulary list that is shared among their members - if you are interested, please contact <a href=" vocabulary list on"></a>.';

$lang['ChDW_friendlinks'] = 'If you cannot find what you are looking for on our site, please have a look at %s.';
$lang['ChDW_friendlink_name'][] = 'CEDICT (MDBG)';
$lang['ChDW_friendlink_url'][] = '';
$lang['ChDW_friendlink_name'][] = 'CEDICT (Mandarintools)';
$lang['ChDW_friendlink_url'][] = '';
$lang['ChDW_friendlink_name'][] = 'Chinalink';
$lang['ChDW_friendlink_url'][] = '';
$lang['ChDW_friendlink_name'][] = '';
$lang['ChDW_friendlink_url'][] = '';

$lang['ChDW_define_vokchapter'] = 'New entries belong to chapter:';
$lang['ChDW_undefined'] = 'undefined';
$lang['ChDW_vokexport_title'] = 'Export vocabulary list';
$lang['ChDW_vokexport_type'][] = 'jMemorize:';
$lang['ChDW_vokexport_url'][] = 'jmemorize';
$lang['ChDW_vokexport_desc'][] = 'download list of vocabulary formatted for use with jMemorize';

$lang['ChDW_jmemorize_copyright'] = '&#10;&#10;Chinesisch-Deutsches Wörterbuch HanDeDict&#10;please correct errors -&gt;';

$lang['ChDW_show_details'] = 'show details';
$lang['ChDW_add_new_entry'] = 'add new entry';
$lang['ChDW_add_new_German_entry'] = 'add new German entry';

$lang['ChDW_ignore_groups'] = 'Ignore words from the following lists';
$lang['ChDW_ignore_groups_desc'] = 'Vocabulary from the following lists will not be shown when annotating full texts (&quot;Look up whole text&quot;), e.g. because you have already learned them.';
$lang['ChDW_upto_chapter'] = 'up to chapter';
$lang['ChDW_all_chapters'] = 'all chapters';

$lang['ChDW_fulltext_vocab_add'] = 'Add selected entries to personal vocabulary list';
$lang['ChDW_fulltext_vocab_help'] = 'The entries that have already been added to your vocabulary list are preselected. Simply unselecting a word will not remove it from the list.';
$lang['ChDW_vocabs_added'] = 'The entries have been added to your vocabulary list.';
$lang['ChDW_please_add_in_dictionary'] = 'Please also add the translation to the dictionary:';
$lang['ChDW_fulltext_print'] = 'Create printable version (with vocabulary annotations of the <u>selected</u> words)';
$lang['ChDW_un_select_all_vocabulary'] = 'select/unselect all vocabulary';
$lang['ChDW_show_pinyin'] = 'show Pinyin above text';
$lang['ChDW_dont_show_pinyin'] = 'do not show Pinyin';
$lang['ChDW_repeat_annotations'] = 'repeat vocabulary annotations';
$lang['ChDW_pinyin_in_red'] = 'print Pinyin in red (so you can use red foil to cover it)';
$lang['ChDW_print_font'][1] = 'use Kaiti font';
$lang['ChDW_print_font'][2] = 'use Mingti/Songti font';
$lang['ChDW_markup_print'] = 'Print Text with Vocabulary Annotations';
$lang['ChDW_fulltext_print_being_prepared'] = 'The printable version of your text with vocabulary annotations is being prepared. You will be able to download it from %s<b>this page (please click here)</b>%s in approx. 5 mins.';
$lang['ChDW_fulltext_print_link'] = 'The printable version of your text with vocabulary annotations (last update: %s) is available %s<b>here</b>%s.';
$lang['ChDW_fontsize'][-1] = 'small';
$lang['ChDW_fontsize'][1] = 'normal';
$lang['ChDW_fontsize'][2] = 'large';
$lang['ChDW_fontsize'][3] = 'very large';
$lang['ChDW_fontsize'][4] = 'huge';
$lang['ChDW_fontsize'][5] = 'gigantic';
$lang['ChDW_fulltext_vocab_table'] = 'All vocabulary from this text at a glance';
$lang['ChDW_fulltext_only_above'] = 'Do not show any explanations for easy words up to (and including) the following level';
$lang['ChDW_fulltext_only_above_level'][0] = 'show all explanations';
$lang['ChDW_fulltext_only_above_level'][1] = 'HSK level A';
$lang['ChDW_fulltext_only_above_level'][2] = 'HSK level B';
$lang['ChDW_fulltext_only_above_level'][3] = 'HSK level C';
$lang['ChDW_fulltext_only_above_level'][4] = 'HSK level D';
$lang['ChDW_fulltext_only_above_desc_logged_in'] = 'This setting is independent of the finer selections you can make in your <a href="%s">vocabulary preferences</a>.';
$lang['ChDW_fulltext_only_above_desc_logged_out'] = 'After you have <a href="%s"><b>logged in</b></a>, you can choose more specifically which words you would like explained in your vocabulary preferences. You can also use longer texts (max. 2500 instead of 200 characters) and print out your text with annotations and/or pinyin above the original text.';
$lang['ChDW_prefer_footnotes'] = 'print vocabulary annotations as footnotes';
$lang['ChDW_prefer_endnotes'] = 'print vocabulary annotations as endnotes';
$lang['ChDW_go_back'] = 'Back';
$lang['ChDW_vokgroups'] = 'Vocabulary Groups';
$lang['ChDW_vokgroups_desc'] = '<p>To learn the vocabulary of specific topics or textbooks, you can create lists and vocabulary cards yourself - or work in a group to create study material that can benefit every member. This is how our vocabulary groups work.</p>
<p>If you are interested in joining a vocabulary group, you can apply by clicking on the link next to it. After joining, you can choose to work on the group\'s shared word list in your vocabulary preferences, create flash cards or writing exercises and specify that you have already studied up to lesson 10 (e.g.), and that only words you have not studied so far shall be annotated when you mark up full Chinese texts.</p><p>We can set up new public or private vocabulary groups for language classes and study groups. Please contact <a href=" vocabulary list on"></a> if you are interested.</p>';
$lang['ChDW_vokgroup_explanation'] = '%s (currently %d words)';
$lang['ChDW_vokgroups_toc'] = 'Currently available vocabulary groups';
$lang['ChDW_unverified_entry_short'] = '(u.e.)';
$lang['ChDW_total_activity'] = 'total';
$lang['ChDW_rundown_unverified_desc'] = sprintf('Entries marked with %s have not been verified by the dictionary\'s editors. We would appreciate if you could help us correct any mistakes.<br />', $lang['ChDW_unverified_entry_short']);

$lang['ChDW_most_frequent_unverified_heading'] = 'Most frequent words without a German translation';
$lang['ChDW_most_frequent_unverified_desc'] = 'The following words are frequently used as an annotation to full texts, but still lack a German translation. Help us improve our dictionary by correcting wrong entries, adding missing translations, and deleting completely wrong entries (by editing them and deleting all translations).';
$lang['ChDW_most_frequent_unverified_frequency'] = 'used %s times';

$lang['ChDW_strange_entries_heading'] = 'Possibly incorrect entries';
$lang['ChDW_strange_entries_desc'] = 'The following entries have been marked as possibly incorrect by our automatic verification algorithm. Help us improve our dictionary by correcting wrong entries, adding missing translations, and deleting completely wrong entries (by editing them and deleting all translations).';

$lang['ChDW_analysis_wait'] = 'Analyzing text, this can take a while.<br />Text length: %d characters<br />Used time: ';

$lang['ChDW_last_edited'] = 'Latest additions and most recently edited entries';

$lang['ChDW_next_entries'] = 'Next %d Einträge';
$lang['ChDW_previous_entries'] = 'Previous %d Einträge';
$lang['ChDW_vokall_title'] = 'Voacabulary list: %s';
$lang['ChDW_vokall_link'] = 'List of vocabulary already in the dictionary';

$lang['ChDW_insecure'] = 'maybe incorrect';
$lang['ChDW_maybe_incomplete'] = 'Request revalidation of this entry by another editor.';
$lang['ChDW_suggest_qc_note'] = 'If you can, please specify how this entry should be corrected to help our editors quickly improve HanDeDict.';
$lang['ChDW_guests_dativ'] = '%d guests';
$lang['ChDW_guest_dativ'] = 'one guest';
$lang['ChDW_aufzaehlung_trenner'] = ', ';
$lang['ChDW_aufzaehlung_last_trenner'] = ', and ';
$lang['ChDW_eintrag_qc_suggested'] = 'The following entry has been marked for inspection by %s.';
$lang['ChDW_eintrag_qc_anmerkung_person'] = '%s wrote (%s):';